U.S.Patent: Method For Detecting Petroleum With A Staggered Toroidal Chip, L. Chen, Y. Zhu, Z. Ni, S. Zhuang, Patent No.: US 11346778 B1, Date of Patent: May 31, 2022
China Patent: Humidity sensor and system based on terahertz plasma enhancement effect, ZL 201711305030.3, L. Chen, H. Yin, Y. Zhang, S. Lai, Y. Zhu, Y. Ge,
X. Zang, S. Zhuang, (2020.12.01)
China Patent: Broadband transmission line chip, ZL 201811472761.1, L.Chen, Y.Zhu ,D.Wang , Y.Wei ,P.Wei ,B.Cai ,X.Zang ,S.Zhuang ,(2020.03.10)
China Patent: Terahertz wave method for measuring the concentration of each component in mixed gas, ZL 201711440920.5 , L.Chen ,D.Liao , E.Xu ,H.Yang ,Y.Zhu ,
X.Zang ,J.Xie , Q.Cheng , S.Zhuang.(2020.09.25)
China Patent: A terahertz wave time-domain spectrum system based on ultra-wideband chip, ZL 201510458482.X, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, D.Wang, Y.Wei,
P.Wei, B.Cai, X.Zang, S.Zhuang. (2018.11.20)
China Patent: High-efficiency multi-channel filter detection device and method based on meniscus periodic structure, ZL 201610553935 .1,
L.Chen, Y.Zhu, Q.Sun,(2018.10.12)
China Patent: Multi-channel filter chip based on meniscus periodic structure, ZL 201610357251.4, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, Q.Sun,(2018.8.28)
China Patent: Terahertz wave organic matter detection device and method based on disc periodic structure, ZL 201510292965.7,
L.Chen, Y.Zhu, D.Wang, L.Wei, X.Zang, B.Cai,(2018.4.20)
China Patent: THz wave communication frequency switching device and switching method based on prism structure,ZL201510292696.4,
L.Chen ,Li.Chen, H.Li, Y.Zhu, X.Zang , B.Cai,(2017.10.13)
China Patent: Terahertz resonance cavity type plasma chip and preparation method, ZL201510270265.8, L.Chen, L.Wei, W.Wang, Y.Zhu ,C.Chen,
X.Zang, Y.Peng, B.Cai, S.Zhuang,(2017.04.05)
China Patent: Terahertz plasma wave organic matter detection device and detection method, ZL201510292670.X, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, Q.Song,
L.Wei, W.Wang, X.Zang, B.Cai,(2017.04.26)
China Patent: Method for controlling the number of filtering channels of terahertz wave band rejection filter, ZL201410183184.X,
L.Chen, Y.Zhu, Z.Cheng, J.Xu,(2016.04.20)
China Patent: Terahertz single-frequency dual-frequency filtering channel switching method and switching device, ZL201310632190.4,
L.Chen, Y.Zhu, J.Xu, C.Gao, (2016.04.20)
China Patent: Terahertz low-loss bent waveguide, ZL201310360908.9, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, C.Gao , J.Xu,(2016.01.20)
China Patent: A composite period three-channel terahertz metal grating waveguide, ZL201310139468.4, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, J.Xu, X.Zang, Y.Peng, B.Cai, G.Xu, (2015.07.22)
China Patent: Dual-channel tunable terahertz add/drop multiplexer based on metal plate waveguide, ZL201310139078.7, L.Chen, Y.Zhu,C.Gao, (2015.05.20)
China Patent: Terahertz dual-wavelength loop coupler, ZL201310210216.6, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, J.Xu, B.Cai, X.Zang, Y.Peng, K.Chen, (2015.05.13)
China Patent: Terahertz dual-wavelength wavelength division multiplexing/demultiplexing device, L.Chen, Y.Zhu, J.Xu, B.Cai, X.Zang, Y.Peng, K.Chen, (2015.04.22)
China Patent: Amorphous silicon solar cell based on double-sided metal-clad waveguide structure and manufacturing process, ZL201210013076.9,
L.Chen, Y.Zhu, S.Luo, H.Chen, (2014.12.24)
China Patent: Multi-filter peak tunable band-pass filter and adjustment method, ZL201310053050.1 , L.Chen, Y.Zhu, J.Xu, C.Gao, (2014.09.24)